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(June 19th 2007)Tabatha writes:

Just wanted to let you know, I'm not going to be updating the graphics for the latest page, latest slacronym, latest special, or latest guest strip, for everytime I upload a new one. So make sure to keep track of the feed, or subscribe to the FBCG blog on myspace. Or you can check us out on onlinecomics.net to be notified of updates. I will however update them every now and again. Probably change the style a few times. I will continue to post the date for what was uploaded last at the top of the page as usual, if that is how you keep track of it. So no changes there. As you can see I haven't yet started on special 13 as I had planned. I've been screwing around with Stumble! an add-on for web browsers. Yes, I am a total screw off, that's me. Gotta do what I gotta do man. :P Feel lucky I'm even updating. Cus I could have went back to not updating for a long time again. It's a struggle just to keep posting new updates. Not that I don't love doing it, I just have my ups and downs constantly. Summer isn't always one of the best times for people to read comics anyhow. Although I will update regardless of how many readers there are during the summer season, because I know come fall people will be delighted to read a bunch of new strips.

FBCG Copyright© 2005 - 2009 Tabatha B.

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(This does not include fanarts, or special issues that contain material by other sources.)

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