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(June 22nd 2007)Tabatha writes:

I can't believe June has gone by so quickly, and I haven't missed a beat. That's good right? That means I've been keeping updates going. I don't know why, but summers made it easier for me. So...Even though hits have gone down for the summer, I'll continue to toss you updates. No special update this week. It's been a busy week, fathers day, my friend jacobs birthday on monday, my dads birthday(yesterday, the first day of summer), and taking my mom to the dentist, I just haven't had enough free time. Monday I wont have a lot of time either because I have to take my mom to the dentist again. T_T How inconvienient. But I will somehow manage to keep updates rolling smoothly. In fact, I usually take Friday's off, but I think today I will spend time working on my comic for what I wont be able to get done on Monday. Also notice I've added a stumble link near the feed! Stumble me!

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