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The Artist

Name: Tabatha
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Other hobbies: Reading, Writing, Drawing, Comics, Video Games, Anime
Email: Somechick[underscore]73[at]yahoo[dot]com
Deviantart: somechick73
Notes: The artist got a lot of her inspiration from comics like Snafu Comics, and Ctrl-Alt-Del. Though, she always wanted to draw comics since she was a kid. She use to draw comics with friends about puppies, because when she was younger she couldn't have one. She loves Comics, anime, Spider-man, the internet and friends. She also collects Spider-man and Spawn comics because they are her favorites!

FBCG Copyright© 2005 - 2009 Tabatha B.

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(This does not include fanarts, or special issues that contain material by other sources.)

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