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(04-28-08)Tabatha writes:

Sorry there haven't been much new updates. Been really busy working on all kinds of drawing projects. Stop by my deviantart page or my artblog for more on that. Also I've started a new project with my friend Chris and some other artists called Black december comics. We're hoping it's a hit so check that out, I will be working on Thursday's page this week. Also on the way is a another special issue(#14). I haven't yet colored the one for Sam's birthday but I hope to get that finished as soon as I can also. I also have a wallpaper I have to finish for a friend. So I hope to get that finished soon. I just gotta keep motivated and focused. Also I have another special issue I need to draw up asap. A friends been waiting on it for some time, but I think for that one I might just throw it up on my deviantart as it just doesn't fit this comic genre. It ws a script she and I both wrote together. So I'm going to try to get that done if I can. So much to do so little time!

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