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(04-04-08)Tabatha writes:

Dude you guys guess what time it is? It's updating time! I've finished pages 31 and 32, that finishes Chapter 1! I've started work on Chapter 2, mostly writing and cover drawing. Also I'm sure you've noticed by now that i've moved this box down below the comic. I felt it was taking away from the website by taking up the space the comic should have been in. I have some commissions to work on, but I am going to try to get a special issue to you on Monday for Sam's birthday, because I remembered how much everybody liked last years Sam page. Been working on the comic, obviously, after figuring out how to switch back and forth between photoshop and gimp so that I could get the normal stuff done. Some stuff might be a little different like the text size for instance, but I was using gimp for texting this time so things were a little messed up. Basically becuase I couldn't get around that fonts folder issue.

FBCG Copyright© 2005 - 2009 Tabatha B.

This site is best viewed in resolution 1280x960.

Everything on this site is under the Creative Common's License Attribution Non-commerial 2.5

(This does not include fanarts, or special issues that contain material by other sources.)

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