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(July 31st 2007)Tabatha writes:

Again, if you haven't checked out Flaky Pastry yet, do it. I've been screwing around with the feed. So if you use sites like bloglines you can view the images right from there instead of having to click a link to go see what's new. Faster for you! Also been drawing a miranda Image for my desktop wallpaper for my windows XP theme. I still ahve a few bugs to figure out how to work out. As soon as I finish that I plan to get back to work on the comic. But it might be a little while cus I gotta finish drawing that wallpaper, then color it and such. I will however try to put up filler comics every week until my time frees up after finishing that theme. ^_^ Also, there's a new 117x30 banner you can link us with. You can view that here.

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